360Daycare - Covid-19 Preventive measures in Daycare

During the pandemic, more adults have been diagnosed with COVID-19 compared to children. However, children can get sick with COVID-19, and can spread the virus to others while having mild to no symptoms at all.

As a childcare provider, it is my duty to help protect children, their families, and staff and slow the spread of COVID-19. Below are a few tips to help you preserve a safe environment in your Daycare:

  • Clean and disinfect the daycare regularly.
  • Increase outdoor air ventilation.
  • Ensure social distancing and wearing a mask.
  • Staff and children should stay home if they’ve been recently in contact with aperson diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Staff and children should stay home if they have tested positive or if they are showing symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Coughs and sneezes should be covered with a tissue and hands immediately washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
  • Children who can’t wash their hands alone must be assisted.
  • Take temperatures daily. 360Daycare system can add the temperature of each child every day to ensure better safety.

Key times for staff and children to wash their hands:

  • Arrival to the daycare
  • Before and after preparing food or drinks
  • Before and after eating or handling food or feeding children
  • Before and after helping a child put on or adjust their mask
  • Before and after administering medication or medical ointment
  • Before and after diapering a child
  • After using the bathroom or after helping a child use the bathroom
  • After having contact with body fluids
  • After handling garbage

List of Most Common Symptoms of Covid-19

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea

Know more about covid-19 preventive measures here

During the covid-19 pandemic, 360Daycare added a full online learning section so that the children will keep on learning and the daycare will keep their business running even at home! Start your free trial today to get an all-in-one daycare management solution.

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